Enter an IP address in the box below to do a WHOIS IP address lookup and get all WHOIS information regarding the IP address. For example:
Whois refers to the CLI-tool, which looks like
`whois <address>`
and can be used to query the database. The output is similar to the output you get on this website when using the
What we basically do, is run the whois command for you and present you with the result. This way, you won’t have to
be bothered with downloading and installing the tool. The result will be presented in a somewhat human-readable
format, but you will encounter a lot of variation as it lacks a global structure. So, interpretation is still
Fortunately, with some effort, it will give you good insight on who is behind a certain IP-address in case
our other tools don’t provide you with enough detail. In most cases, it will also give you clear directions
on where to send your complaint in case of abuse coming from the specific address.
Note: Only use this information for your own research. To prevent abuse and misuse of this information,
we've also limited the amount of daily requests you can do.