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Most used server software

When crawling the internet, we try to detect which server software is used by websites for informational purposes. Here you can find some lists containing the most seen software versions we've encountered.

Webserver versions

  1. Nginx 1.14.0
  2. Microsoft IIS 8.5
  3. Apache 2
  4. Microsoft IIS 10.0
  5. Apache 2.4.6
  6. Apache 2.2.15
  7. Apache 2.4.18
  8. Microsoft IIS 7.5
  9. Apache 2.4.33
  10. Nginx 1.10.3

Scripting language versions

  1. PHP 5.4.45
  2. PHP 5.6.36
  3. PHP 5.6.37
  4. PHP 5.6.38
  5. PHP 5.5.38
  6. PHP 5.3.29
  7. W3
  8. PHP 5.4.16
  9. PHP 5.6.40
  10. PHP 5.6.30