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Are you trying to find out the location of website vernieuwenderwijs.nl? Here you will find all the available technical information about this website, like the fact that it is being hosted by Stichting DIGI NL on IP address

October 20, 2018 - Vernieuwenderwijs - Inspiratie en Innovatie voor het onderwijs

Onderwijsontwikkelingen denken over onderwijs onderwijsonderzoek professionalisering apps & tools lesideeën | Van docenten, Voor docenten

Technical details

Website addressvernieuwenderwijs.nl
IP address
Server hostnamevarnish3.zxcs.nl
DNS nameservers ns.zxcs.be
Server software Apache 2
PHP 7.2.9
Hosted by Stichting DIGI NL
Last updated on 2018-10-20 23:44
Website added on2017-08-01 20:06
Last IP change detected2024-02-11 23:27

Website location

Server location The Netherlands The Netherlands
Latitude52.382400 (52°22'56.64" N)
Longitude4.899500 (4°53'58.20" E)

vernieuwenderwijs.nl location

Other websites hosted on this IP address