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On this page, you can find all the information we have gathered on public IP address, which is owned by Cia Proc. de Dados do Estado de S Paulo - Prodesp. We provide these details free of charge and for personal investigation purposes. We have included facts like network details such as DNS and hostname, but also detailed location information. We answer questions like what is Who is behind it and what is its reputation?

Another great feature you have access to, is that when there is a web server installed and running on the hardware using this IP, we can detect which primary website is served. We do this by checking its HTTP (80) or HTTPS (443) ports. And if it is a shared IP, we can even help you identify the other websites. This is especially helpful when you are doing research and question the intents of a website, making sure it’s safe.

Most of the respectable and professional internet businesses take their online presence very seriously and serve their websites from dedicated environments. Being directly served from a shared server with lots of websites could mean it’s still a small business or even a shady one, especially if the other websites look exactly the same, only with a different domain name.
There are however exceptions when they are using a service like a CDN or reverse proxy, which are popular with developers. They use these services to increase the speed of a website, thus reducing the time it takes to load it, but also to limit the impact when the website is targeted for a DDoS attack. The companies offering these services tend to have an extreme amount of network capacity to automatically fend off an attack. It is also very useful to improve the scalability of a website.

As you were searching for, we can already let you know that we've found no websites running from it.

We also see a lot of our visitors searching for login details for the admin interface based on the searched IP-addresses. Unfortunately, we do not provide these for public interfaces, as this could be considered unethical. Our website does however provide default factory credentials for routers, but only through the private interface.

Technical details

IP address Brazil flag  
OptionsSee your own public address
Address type Public
Protocol versionIPv4
Network classClass C
Conversions 3375836735 (decimal / iplong)
c9372e3f (hex / base 16)
201554663 (numeric)
Reverse DNS
HostnameCouldn't determine a hostname
Reverse lookupNo reverse DNS record found
ISPCia Proc. de Dados do Estado de S Paulo - Prodesp
CompanyCia Proc. de Dados do Estado de S Paulo - Prodesp

Location details

CitySão Paulo
ZIP / Postal code01000
Country Brazil
Latitude -23.628300 (23°37'41.88" S)
Longitude -46.640900 (46°38'27.24" W) location

Websites hosted on this IP address

There are no websites found hosted on this public IP address

WHOIS lookup

WHOIS is an international recognized protocol to query worldwide databases that store information on internet resources. It was documented in RFC 3912 by the Internet Society back in 2004, but is still current. It has been reported that the protocol will soon be obsolete due to privacy reasons, and will be replaced with a less transparent system.

[Querying whois.lacnic.net]
[Redirected to whois.registro.br]
[Querying whois.registro.br]

Copyright (c) Nic.br
The use of the data below is only permitted as described in
full by the Use and Privacy Policy at https://registro.br/upp ,
being prohibited its distribution, commercialization or
reproduction, in particular, to use it for advertising or
any similar purpose.
2024-09-24T08:12:01-03:00 - IP:

aut-num: AS28637
abuse-c: GEIPR
owner: Cia Proc. de Dados do Estado de S Paulo - Prodesp
ownerid: 62.577.929/0001-35
responsible: CSIRT-Grupo de Resposta à Incidentes
country: BR
owner-c: COGIN3
tech-c: GEIPR
nserver: aguapei.fde.sp.gov.br
nsstat: 20240922 AA
nslastaa: 20240922
nserver: jatai.fde.sp.gov.br
nsstat: 20240922 AA
nslastaa: 20240922
nserver: toropi.fde.sp.gov.br
nsstat: 20240922 AA
nslastaa: 20240922
created: 20060315
changed: 20081014

nic-hdl-br: COGIN3
person: Coordenadoria de Gestão INTRAGOV
e-mail: adm@intragov.sp.gov.br
country: BR
created: 20240808
changed: 20240808

nic-hdl-br: GEIPR
person: Gerencia Internet PRODESP
e-mail: csirt@sp.gov.br
country: BR
created: 20081014
changed: 20200429

Security and mail abuse issues should also be addressed to
cert.br, http://www.cert.br/ , respectivelly to cert@cert.br
and mail-abuse@cert.br

whois.registro.br accepts only direct match queries. Types
of queries are: domain (.br), registrant (tax ID), ticket,
provider, CIDR block, IP and ASN.

Public vs. Private IP addresses

As you might have noticed, we are talking a lot about public and private IP-addresses, but what are they, and what is the difference between them?

You have searched for, which is a public IP address and most likely related to your own router. It is a combination of four numbers, called octets, which are separated by dots and can be used to access your router admin page. And because your router acts as a bridge between your local network and the internet, it also has another IP called a public IP address. The public IP address is assigned by your ISP, and is pretty much outside of your control.

The public IP address is built up in the same manner, also consisting out of four numbers separated by dots, but cannot be the same as the ones used for a private address. It is used to connect your network to the outside world and to communicate to the internet. Whenever you visit a website or send out an e-mail, your router will receive it through your private network and send the information out though your public interface.

Another difference is that public IP addresses given out by providers are likely to change as every router in the world needs a unique public IP address, basically just like people and their home address, so ISPs tend to use dynamic IP addresses to make sure they don’t need more than necessary because of the finite amount of available addresses. They do this on a per-request basis. When you disconnect your router from the internet, the ip address is revoked and given to the next user that connects.

It is also common to have a static public IP address, which doesn’t change regularly like a dynamic one does. Nowadays, this is almost strictly prohibited to servers that serve websites and e-mail and are based in datacenters around the world and are often referred to as ‘the cloud’. This makes sense, as these servers need to be available 24/7.

The biggest downside of a public IP address is that it is outside-facing and can reveal details like a rough estimate of the users' location, as you can also see on this website. Using a VPN, like we offer in our ‘Hide my IP’ service, can give you some peace of mind if you don’t like the idea of being ‘out in the open’ when browsing the internet. Because it is another layer on top of your network, it hides your public IP address from the internet as it gives you a randomized address. It’s even possible to completely obscure your physical location.
These days you can buy routers which have this option built-in, but the most common way of doing this, is by installing an app on your computer or phone.