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Here you can find all lookup results for loopback IP address which is located in, a reserved range for loopback addresses to the local host (RFC 6890).

IP address is registered as a loopback interface address, which is also known as localhost or local host. In computer networking, localhost is a hostname that means this computer. It is used to access the network services that are running on the host via its loop back network interface. Using the loop back interface bypasses any local network interface hardware.
This type of address is also used as a means to validate that a locally connected physical networking card is working as expected and the TCP/IP stack is installed.

This local mechanism is useful for testing software during development, independently of any networking configurations. For example, if a computer has been configured to provide a website, directing a locally running web browser to http://localhost or may display its home page.

Technical details

IP address  
OptionsSee your own public address
Address type Loopback
Protocol versionIPv4
Network classClass A
Conversions 2130738978 (decimal / iplong)
7f007f22 (hex / base 16)
127012734 (numeric)
Reverse DNS
CIDR block127.0.127.0/8
Network range127.0.127.0 -
Network ID 127.0.127
Broadcast address

Using for testing purposes

Using for testing purposes, also known as a loopback address, allows you to test network-related functionalities on your local machine without involving external networks.

Here are some common scenarios where you might use this address for testing:

Testing Web Development

If you're a web developer, you can run a local web server on your machine and access it using in your web browser. This allows you to test websites or web applications without deploying them to a live server.

Database Testing

When developing database-driven applications, you might connect your application to a local database server running on This allows you to test database interactions without affecting a live database.

Network Service Testing

If you're working on a network service or application, you can set up the service to listen on This enables you to test the functionality of the service locally without involving external servers or networks.

Testing APIs

When testing APIs or microservices locally, you can set up your development environment to use as the endpoint for API requests. This allows you to simulate interactions with an API without making actual requests to external servers.

Debugging and Troubleshooting

Use to simulate network-related issues and debug your applications. This can be helpful in identifying and resolving problems in a controlled environment.